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April 28, 2015
Board of Registrars
April 28, 2015 Minutes
Attendees: Rosemary Fudeman, Claire Golding, Anne Littlefield, Lynne Grettum
  • Meeting was convened at 9:05AM
  • Rosemary was sworn in for a new term to end 3/31/18
  • The board reorganized and voted unanimously Claire Golding as chairman
  • April 15, 2014 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved unanimously
  • Lynne reviewed the 2014 election year.
  • There were 2 State Elections and 2 Town Elections, annual and special.
  • State Primary was changed from 9/16 to 9/9 by the legislature
  • All “Last day to register” sessions for each election were held as dictated by MGL
  • State Elections Update for 2015
  • In addition to the Democratic and Republican parties 2 additional parties will be recognized in the 2016 Presidential Primary.  Those parties are United Independent Party, and Green-Rainbow party.
  • State Elections legislative update:
  • online registration will be ready by August 2015
  • Pre-registration for 16 and 17 years olds starts in August 2016, State will issue rules for this.
  • Presidential Primary will be March 1st, and include ballots for the four parties mentioned above
  • Early voting will take place for Presidential election. State still has to put together a detailed implementation plan.
  • New Vote Tabulator Status
  • Two new vote tabulators have been certified by the State
  • Lynne has chosen the tabulator from Election Systems and Software, DS 200 after seeing a demo of both machines.
  • Lynne will put an article on the May 2015 Annual Town Meeting warrant for the purchase of the tabulator
  • Plan is to start using the tabulator at the March 1st Presidential Primary.
  • Update on Voter registration project
  • Letters and mail-in registrations were sent out on February 26, 2015 to 21 unregistered voters 17 and 18.
  • 5 sent in mail-in voter registrations
  • Reviewed recount rules
Motion was made and seconded to dissolve the meeting, vote was unanimous. Meeting dissolved at 10am.

Respectfully submitted,
Lynne Grettum